Results for 'Ugwu Edmond Agbo'

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  1. Lo studio del misticismo africano come studio africano dell'essere in quanto essere.Ugwu Edmond Agbo - 2001 - In Lidia Procesi Xella & Martin Nkafu Nkemnkia (eds.), Prospettive di filosofia africana. Roma: Edizioni Associate.
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    The Moral Machine experiment.Edmond Awad, Sohan Dsouza, Richard Kim, Jonathan Schulz, Joseph Henrich, Azim Shariff, Jean-François Bonnefon & Iyad Rahwan - 2018 - Nature 563 (7729):59-64.
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    The Igbo Understanding of the Human Being: A Philosophical Approach.Anayochukwu Kingsley Ugwu - 2022 - Conatus 7 (1):135-181.
    The conception of the human being remains a philosophical controversial discourse among scholars to include Igbo extraction. The discourse has taken many dimensions describable as social, ontological, theologico-anthropological and even normative. Questions now follow: is the human being entirely a spiritual or physical being, or socio-political being, or even anhropological being? What differentiates his existence from the existence of other realities – be it physical or spiritual? It is in addressing these questions that this paper presents a socio-ontological conception of (...)
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    Parfit: a philosopher and his mission to save morality.David Edmonds - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Derek Parfit (1942-2017) is the most famous philosopher you've likely never heard of. In 1984, Parfit published what was, and is still, hailed by many philosophers as a work of genius - one of the most cited works of philosophy since World War II, Reasons and Persons. At its core, he argued that we should be concerned less with our own interests and more with the common good. His book brims with brilliant argumentative detail and stunningly inventive thought experiments that (...)
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  5. The Philosophy of Zoology Before Darwin: A Translated and Annotated Version of the Original French Text by Edmond Perrier: Originally Published by Fâelix Alcan, Paris in 1884.Edmond Perrier - 2009 - Springer. Edited by Alexander R. McBirney, Stanton A. Cook & Greg J. Retallack.
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.David Edmonds - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    From the author of Wittgenstein's Poker and Would You Kill the Fat Man?, the story of an extraordinary group of philosophers during a dark chapter in Europe's history On June 22, 1936, the philosopher Moritz Schlick was on his way to deliver a lecture at the University of Vienna when Johann Nelböck, a deranged former student of Schlick's, shot him dead on the university steps. Some Austrian newspapers defended the madman, while Nelböck himself argued in court that his onetime teacher (...)
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    The Question of the African Personality in Chukwudum Barnabas Okolo: A Critical Review.Ugwu Ak - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-8.
    Okolo maintains that the African is identified by his personality which is the attitudinal disposition he designates as ‘beingwith’. He adopts the term ‘being-with’ to represent the African ‘communality’ which is all there is to be truly African. Though maintaining a radical communalistic viewpoint suspending in socio-ontological considerations, Okolo posits that this attitude characteristically defines and symbolically stands for that by which ‘an African’ is identified. However, Okolo’s position inheres some problems that border on one, the question and place of (...)
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    Environmental Protection, Rights of Nature, and Religious Beliefs in Europe.Ikechukwu P. Ugwu - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-22.
    This paper examines the rights of nature (RoN) as a product of religious beliefs and how the increasing abandonment of religious beliefs in Europe could impact the development of RoN on the continent. As a concept rooted in religious and Indigenous peoples’ practices, this article argues that there are no religious and Indigenous peoples’ ideologies in Europe upon which RoN of nature could be anchored. Furthermore, since hardly any groups in Europe identify as Indigenous peoples in the strict sense of (...)
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    (1 other version)Environmental determinant of religious names: A study of Úgwú and naming among the Nsukka-Igbo people of Nigeria.Paulinus O. Agbo, Christian Opata & Malachy Okwueze - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):10.
    This article makes a contribution towards understanding the correlation between Úgwú (hill or mountain) and personal names among the Igbo people of Nigeria. Sacralisation of the natural environment which include hills or mountains is a belief that cuts across religions. Among the Igbo, the perceived sacred value placed on such natural environment prompted a series of socio-cultural changes. Personal names are usually drawn from deified entities such as the earth, sun, rivers, and so on. Studies on Igbo personal names portrayed (...)
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    (1 other version)Against the political and moral conception of globalization.Joseph N. Agbo - 2019 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 8 (3):21-40.
    Is globalization a product or a process? This paper is given a foundation by a worry and a fillip by a desire. The worry is the obvious unphilosophical grasp of the phenomenon of globalization that led to it being engaged in political and moral terms. The desire is to release globalization from its conception as a product, packaged and exported by some people or some cultures in order to continue an agenda of domination. The paper argues that globalization is a (...)
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    (1 other version)‘I bu Delaila ji aguba’: Revisiting the perception of sociopaths in an African community.Paulinus O. Agbo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    Reports of increasing family violence abound in Nigeria. Although studies have implicated cultural constructs as the basis for this trend, this study specifically contemplated the nexus between the increased violence and Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). The purpose of this study was to connect these abusive and violent behaviours in their specific contexts as evidence of ASPD. The study was hinged on autoethnographic research which I systematically analysed as lived experiences with a sociopath. Data for the analyses was drawn from purposively (...)
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    World Literature in Stereo: Magnetic Tape and the Media Futures of Global Literary History.Jacob Edmond - 2021 - Substance 50 (1):27-53.
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    Locally finite monoids in finitely based varieties.Edmond W. H. Lee - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):743-745.
    It is shown that given any finite system of monoid identities, it is decidable if the class of locally finite monoids that satisfy the system is a variety. This answers an open problem of Mark V. Sapir.
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  14. (1 other version)Le discours et le symbole.Edmond Ortigues - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (3):372-372.
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    Institutional framework for grassroot development of science and technology in Nigeria: A case study of Ebonyi state.U. Ugwu - 2006 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (1).
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    The Process of State Formation in Pre-Colonial East Africa.U. Ugwu - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (1).
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    Review of Edmond Nathaniel Cahn: The Moral Decision: Right and Wrong in the Light of American Law[REVIEW]Edmond Cahn - 1956 - Ethics 66 (4):294-295.
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    An approach for combining ethical principles with public opinion to guide public policy.Edmond Awad, Michael Anderson, Susan Leigh Anderson & Beishui Liao - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103349.
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    The logic of medicine.Edmond A. Murphy - 1997 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    When first published twenty years ago, The Logic of Medicine presented a new way of thinking about clinical medicine as a scholarly discipline as well as a profession. Since then, advances in research and technology have revolutionized both the practice and theory of medicine. In this new, extensively rewritten edition, Dr. Murphy includes changes to show how these different areas of scholarship may affect details of "the logic of medicine" without compromising its fundamental coherence. New to this edition are discussions (...)
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    Begging enterprise: A growing trend among Igbo Christians in Nsukka Urban.Ndidiamaka V. Ugwu & Kanayochukwu M. Okoye - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–7.
    It is obvious that the practice of begging is growing exponentially and changing into various forms mostly among the Christians in the Nsukka area. Although begging has long been in existence in the Nsukka area, it has never been encouraged. Financial assistance from family and relatives usually prevents an indigent person from begging in the street. Giving alms to the poor is regarded as a religious duty by many people. But, some beggars take advantage of people's sympathy and thus the (...)
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  21. SDML: A multi-agent language for organizational modelling.Bruce Edmonds - manuscript
    The SDML programming language which is optimized for modelling multi-agent interaction within articulated social structures such as organizations is described with several examples of its functionality. SDML is a strictly declarative modelling language which has object-oriented features and corresponds to a fragment of strongly grounded autoepistemic logic. The virtues of SDML include the ease of building complex models and the facility for representing agents flexibly as models of cognition as well as modularity and code reusability.
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    Towards good social science.Bruce Edmonds - manuscript
    The paper investigates what is meant by "good science" and "bad science" and how these differ as between the natural (physical and biological) sciences on the one hand and social sciences on the other. We conclude on the basis of historical evidence that the natural science are much more heavily constrained by evidence and observation than by theory while the social sciences are constrained by prior theory and hardly at all by direct evidence. Current examples of the latter proposition are (...)
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  23. Myths and realities of higher education as a vehicle for nation building in developing countries: the culture of the university and the new African Diaspora.Seth A. Agbo - 2005 - In David Seth Preston (ed.), Contemporary issues in education. New York, NY: Rodopi.
  24. The question of the West and the rest of us in African philosophy.Joseph N. Agbo - 2014 - In Jonathan O. Chimakonam (ed.), Atuolu Omalu: Some Unanswered Questions in Contemporary African Philosophy. Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
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    The Right to be Young.Edmond Cahn - 1994 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 11 (2):41-42.
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    About documentary: anthropology on film: a philosophy of people and art.Robert Edmonds - 1974 - Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum.
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    From Le Livre des Questions.Edmond Jabes & Rosmarie Waldrop - 1972 - Substance 2 (5/6):161.
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  28. Osée, Joël, Amos, Abdias, Jonas.Edmond Jacob, Carl A. Keller & Samuel Amsler - 1965
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    Political Socialization and the Future of Democracy in Nigeria.U. Ugwu - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (2).
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  30. Simplicity is not truth-indicative.Bruce Edmonds - unknown
    In this paper I will argue that, in general, where the evidence supports two theories equally, the simpler theory is not more likely to be true and is not likely to be nearer the truth. In other words simplicity does not tell us anything about model bias. Our preference for simpler theories (apart from their obvious pragmatic advantages) can be explained by the facts that humans are known to elaborate unsuccessful theories rather than attempt a thorough revision and that a (...)
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  31. Grandeur infinie en puissance et grandeur infinie en acte.Edmond Mazet - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:63-87.
    Dans un passage de Physique iii (7, 207b15-21), Aristote s’exprime d’une manière qui suppose valide l’implication suivante : « Si une grandeur peut être infinie en puissance, une telle grandeur peut aussi être infinie en acte ». Cette implication a intrigué les commentateurs tant anciens et médiévaux que modernes. Ces derniers se sont en général bornés à constater que l’implication n’est pas logiquement valide, sans expliquer comment et en quel sens Aristote avait pu la tenir pour telle. En rapprochant le (...)
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    Underpinnings of medical ethics.Edmond A. Murphy - 1997 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by James J. Butzow & Edward L. Suarez-Murias.
    Thus far in the development of the discipline of medical ethics, the overriding concern has been with solutions to specific problems. But discussion is hampered by lack of understanding of the scope and methodology of medical ethics, and its scientific and philosophical basis. In Underpinnings of Medical Ethics Edmond A. Murphy, James J. Butzow, and Edward L. Suarez-Murias offer much-needed clarification of the purview, ontological basis, and methodology of a medical ethics that is to be comprehensive and yet readily (...)
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    Souvenirs et Lettres d'Edmond Goblot.François Gablot & Edmond Goblot - 1936 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 43 (3):431 - 452.
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  34. The Logic of Medicine.Edmond A. Murphy - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (3):488-490.
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    Skepsis, Dogma, and Belief: Uses and Abuses in Medicine.Edmond A. Murphy - 1981
    This book reflects upon the manner in which medical research is performed and interpreted.
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    The Use and Abuse of Machiavelli: The Sixteenth-Century French Adaptation.Edmond M. Beame - 1982 - Journal of the History of Ideas 43 (1):33.
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    (1 other version)Reasoning about rational agents.Bruce Edmonds - unknown
    This book is an archetypal product of the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) school of multi-agent systems. It presents what is now the mainstream view as to the best way forward in the dream of engineering reliable software systems out of autonomous agents. The way of using formal logics to specify, implement and verify distributed systems of interacting units using a guiding analogy of beliefs, desires and intentions. The implicit message behind the book is this: Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) can be a respectable (...)
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    Ethics and the Contemporary World.David Edmonds (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Arguments about ethics often centre on traditional questions of, for instance, euthanasia and abortion. Whilst these questions are still in the foreground, recent years have seen an explosion of new moral problems. Moral and political clashes are now as likely to be about sexuality and gender and the status of refugees, immigrants and borders, or the ethics of social media, safe spaces, disability and robo-ethics. How should we approach these debates? What are the issues at stake? What are the most (...)
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    Contextualising ideas.David Edmonds - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 56 (56):70-74.
    To understand Machiavelli’s concerns it helps to know about his complex relationship with the Medicis. To comprehend what animates Thomas Hobbes we need to recognise that he was writing in the aftermath of the English civil war.
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  40. L'humanisme et la crise de l'autorité.Edmond Beaujon - 1950 - Lausanne,: Éditions "Défense de l'Europe,".
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  41. The Asian Church in Dialogue with Dominus Iesus.Edmond China - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (11-12):81-94.
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    Land's end.Edmond D. Cocks - 1985 - History of European Ideas 6 (2):129-151.
  43. Philosophie politique.Michel-Pierre Edmond - 1972 - Paris,: Masson.
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    Le vocabulaire philosophique.Edmond Goblot - 1901 - Paris,: A. Colin.
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    Traité de logique.Edmond Goblot - 1918 - Paris,: A. Colin.
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    La prise de décision en Belgique en matière de santé publique.Edmond Leburton - 1983 - Res Publica 25 (4):633-653.
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    Le droit pur.Edmond Picard - 1908 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
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    Le droit pur; cours d'encyclopédie du droit; les permanences juridiques abstraites.Edmond Picard - 1899 - Bruxelles,: Veuve F. Larcier.
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  49. L'Esthétique en question: introduction à une esthétique de l'odorat.Edmond Roudnitska - 1977 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  50. Autour de la Docte ignorance..Edmond Vansteenberghe - 1915 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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